TVA’s Green Power Providers program opens on Jan 13

Published December 28, 2015

LightWave Solar is ramping up its sales and operational efforts to accommodate participation in the Tennessee Valley Authority’s (TVA) recently announced 2016 Green Power Providers Program for small-scale solar projects. Under the new program that opens on January 13, TVA will pay homeowners and small businesses the escalating retail rate for 100% of their solar power over the next 20 years. This announcement comes after TVA closed its 2015 program on November 17.

We are excited to get confirmation on the 2016 solar program. TVA’s solar reimbursement is a good deal for small businesses and homeowners. However, TVA has placed a cap on the number of projects they will allow in 2016, and we wish TVA allowed more projects in the program.

TVA’s Green Power Providers Program has closed several times over the last three years due to high demand and the annual program cap of 10 megawatts for the seven state area TVA serves. LightWave Solar expects the 2016 program to hit capacity well before the end of the year. Starting Jan 13 the program will open on a first-come, first served basis.

We don’t want small businesses or homeowners to miss the boat on TVA’s 2016 program which could close at any time. Several of our customers didn’t make it into the 2015 program, and they are eagerly awaiting the January 13 opening so they can move ahead with their project.

Contact us for your estimate and proposal, and we will help you get into the 2016 program.